Where to Buy Your Mexican Auto Insurance If You Live in Phoenix, AZ

If you are planning a road trip to Mexico and live in Phoenix, AZ, you should know that your American auto insurance is not recognized by the Mexican law. You need to buy Mexican car insurance to protect yourself while traveling. Here’s where you can obtain your insurance policy.

Purchase your Mexican insurance online

The best place to buy your insurance is online. It is a fast and easy way to get your coverage. Make sure that you purchase your Mexican car insurance policy through a reliable Mexican insurance provider. Take your time to compare various Mexican insurance options so that you can receive the best possible coverage for your car at the best rates.

Whether you live in Phoenix, AZ, or in San Diego, CA, you can visit Oscar Padilla Mexican Insurance website, get free quotes and print your auto insurance in minutes. Oscar Padilla is proud to represent Mexico’s leading Tourist Auto Insurance company, Qualitas Compania de Seguros.

By reaching to Quick Quote on the website’s Home page, you can get a calculation of Qualitas’ low rates. You will have the opportunity to see all your options and play around with the type of coverage you’d choose. Then you can select the most comprehensive insurance package that suits your needs.

Current insurance provider

If you have U.S. or Canadian car insurance, you may be wondering whether your insurance company offers Mexican auto insurance as well. To sell Mexican car insurance, insurance providers need to have a special license. To find out whether this option is available, you need to contact your auto insurance company.

Keep in mind that not all insurance providers offer the same service. If your insurance company does provide this type of insurance, it doesn’t mean you should simply buy the policy. Make sure that you go through your options first, do the research and then decide which insurance policy provider can offer you the best service, coverage, and rates.

Insurance broker

There are several insurance companies and brokers in Phoenix, AZ and in the surrounding area that sell Mexican car insurance. However, their rates are usually not competitive.

This is because these companies often provide general insurance policies rather than specific Mexican auto insurance. They won’t have the range of options available to you. Also, insurance brokers often have higher commissions, resulting in higher rates.

Your last resort: at the border

If you fail to obtain your Mexican auto insurance before you set off, you will need to buy it at the border. Though there are several places along the border that sell Mexican insurance, they are your last resort but not your best option.

You’ll find their rates considerably higher than elsewhere and you probably won’t get the most suitable coverage for your needs. These places are also known to provide coverage from unrated Mexican auto insurance carriers.

The reason for their excessively high fees is because insurance salespersons know that you are left with no other option. You can either purchase your Mexican insurance from them or put yourself and other passengers at risk by entering Mexico without a valid car insurance policy.

Choose your Mexican insurance provider carefully

Make sure the Mexican insurance provider you choose has a strong infrastructure in Mexico with offices in the areas you will be visiting. In case you need legal counsel or assistance with bail, you’d want a company that can provide help as soon as possible.

Oscar Padilla Mexican Insurance offers you legal service and bail bond as an added bonus to your standard tourist insurance policy. With more than 60 years of experience, we are the oldest and largest exclusive Mexican auto insurance service provider. Contact the Mexican insurance industry’s pioneer, get your policy and drive safe into your Mexico adventure!

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