Tips for Driving in Mexico with Your Vehicle Insurance

A road trip to Mexico is a great way to explore all the wonders that make this country unique. There is much more to Mexico than amazing beaches and tasty food. See for yourself behind the wheel of your car!

If you are driving south of the Mexican border, there are a few golden guidelines that you should know before you set off. The first one is to get your vehicle insured. Read on to find out the rest.

Get your Mexico vehicle insurance policy

Under the Mexican law, all drivers have to prove financial responsibility in case of an accident. They are required to have Mexican vehicle insurance or enough cash to show their ability to cover the caused damage.

You should know that neither U.S. nor Canadian auto insurance policies are recognized by Mexican authorities. Though a car accident is the last thing on your mind when planning your vacation, you have to be prepared for any circumstances that may occur. So, when you’re planning a trip to Mexico, account for the cost of a comprehensive insurance policy.

Don’t put yourself and other passengers at risk. By purchasing a Mexican vehicle insurance policy, you will also avoid possible financial hardships.

You can obtain your best insurance through an authorized Mexico auto insurance provider, such as Oscar Padilla Mexican Insurance. On Oscar Padilla’s website, you can get a free quote, purchase vehicle insurance and print your policy within minutes.

Road Signs

Road signs in Mexico are the same shape and color as in the U.S. However, the words are in Spanish. To have a safe drive, you should know the most important ones.

  • Alto – Stop
  • Ceda el paso – Yield
  • Despacio – Slow
  • Disminya su velocidad – Slow down
  • Curva peligrosa – Dangerous curve
  • No estacionar – No parking
  • No rebase – No passing
  • Camino cerrado – Road closed
  • Calle sin salida – Dead end
  • Cruce de peatones – A pedestrian crossing

There is also one interesting sign: "No Deje Piedras Sobre El Pavimento". It means "Do not leave stones on the pavement". Though strange, this sign is necessary in Mexico because people tend to place stones on the road behind their vehicle as a warning that their car is broken down. Some of them just drive off, leaving the stones on the road to become a road hazard.

Also, keep in mind that the stop lights are horizontal rather than vertical and speed limits are expressed in kilometers.

Road Conditions

Speed bumps, called “topes” in Mexico, are not always properly marked. There may be no yellow paint or warning signs. This makes “topes” hard to notice straight away, especially if you are a tourist and a first-time driver.

Potholes, sometimes large enough to fit a car, can present a driving challenge in Mexico. So enjoy the ride but be prepared for a possible pothole on the road.

Left-hand highway exits, the so-called “returno” system, are commonly used instead of exit ramps and overpasses to get to the other side of the freeway. There you can safely make a U-turn to get to your exit.

Traffic regulations are not always enforced in Mexico so some drivers tend to treat lane lines and traffic signals as suggestions rather than as strict rules. Be attentive while driving and don’t take another driver’s behavior for granted.

Don't Drink and Drive

Whether in the U.S. or in Mexico, being a responsible driver means not drinking and driving. Protect yourself and others on the roadways. Also, if you operate a vehicle while under the influence and something happens, your Mexico car insurance will be declared invalid.

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